Recap of 2021 Showcase

Our 2021 Social Innovators gave it their best!

Our virtual programming for our annual Social Innovator Showcase was an even bigger success this year! We had close to 400 people attend our second virtual Showcase! Throughout our planning, we used new technologies to help us present the Innovator pitches in a more compelling way. For the first time - in SIF history - the Innovator pitches were pre-recorded! Many thanks to their Consultants, SIF staff, and City Point Films (videographer), who all worked to produce a seamless video. Also, much thanks to the AVFX studio - for their behind-the-scenes A/V support - making all of the speaker transitions run smoothly. 

Although we could not be in person - again for another year - the energy of our marketplace was admirable! We were all very much engaged in these presentations through the live chat, Q&A, and networking session. Each of us had an opportunity to connect with one another and our amazing 2021 Social Innovators. Thank you again for taking the time and for continuing to represent the strength of our community in these challenging times. 

Also, a big thank you to our generous event sponsors Marcus Partners, Fidelity Charitable, Nutter, Eastern Bank, First Republic Bank, Goulston & Storrs, Northern Trust, RINET, Delta Dental, and Eaton Vance. 

Download our 2021 Social Impact Investment Guide for more information about the Innovators. You can also watch the Innovator pitches on our YouTube page.  

Congrats to our Innovators and we hope to see all of you in person very soon! 

2021 Social Innovators 


Comprehensive Reentry Program, a model of Project Place 

Everyday Boston

Immigrant Family Services Institute (IFSI) 

Neighbor to Neighbor MA Education Fund 

The Loop Lab